Aug 29, 2010

New Freebie for august!

Available tomorrow at & Dont forget to check out my 1 Euro Sale!

Aug 24, 2010

Creative Team Call :)

Oopsie Daisy's CT Call

Join My Creative Team :)

I'm looking for a few creative ladies to join my fabulous creative team. Requirements are super simple, so i'll get right to it :)


2 layouts per kit (1 or 2 kits per mo)
Post to 3 galleries: DST & 2 of your choice
CTM Enabling once in a month
Promote my designs/sales

Sound good?
Email me: & please include:
Your name, design name & a little bio :)
Your blog link, links to your galleries &
the number of CTs you are on

Thanks so much! I'm looking forward to your response :)

Oopsie Daisy

Aug 16, 2010

Two new cu products ...

Wow it's been a while hasnt it?!! I have posted two new CU products to today. They are two brand new CU paper packs in two different floral themes. Great for that end of summer scrapping :)

Since last I posted, my computer went down, I got a new SUPER computer, Comcast came to install my new internet connection, then they had to do construction - so no installation, then the construction guys came and today the installers are due to get that installation going :) My new computer isnt up to 100% yet - but should be soon. I'm hoping to get back to designing later this week.

So it's been a busy one! Plus as many of you know my family and I run a Halloween Haunt every year and we've been super busy working on that.

The majority of my store is on sale right now for 25% Off !!! here are previews of the new products: